Vibrational Medicine

Not only is vibrational medicine effective, but can be offered with virtually no side effects and administered at a very low cost.  Mere laughter can significantly improve outcomes including physical, promoting oxygenation of cells and organs and improving circulation of blood and lymph; chemical, creating an abundance of healthy brain chemicals; and vibrational, relaxing the body and mind, restructuring internal energy.

Modalities considered vibrational medicine include:

Phototherapy:  Using the power of sunlight.  Can be effective in the treatment of depression, bone density, etc.  In experiments with infrared light, NASA has shown that flesh wounds like scrapes, cuts and burns heal up to 40% faster when exposed to a few minutes of infrared light each day.  With daily exposure to natural sunlight, the body creates its own Vitamin D and uses it to prevent prostate and breast cancer, and many other disorders.  It diminishes cravings for carbohydrates and sweets by balancing levels of serotonin in the brain.

Sound / color therapy:  using specific wavelengths of natural sunlight or sound waves to create a healing response.  Sound creates waves of force that can move physical objects towards or away from the souce of the sound.  Research is currently being conducted in the area of “medical acoustics” regarding imaging, destroying kidney stones, targeting tumors, etc.

Crystals, gems, rocks:  All crystals vibrate, and these vibrations can be harnessed for healing purposes.

Placebo or mind/body effect:  In clinical trials, some people receive the treatment under study and some receive placebos. Almost 30% of the participants who receive placebos demonstrate improvement, consistent over all disorders and diseases.  The healing effect is produced by the mind of the subject, the strong belief that in the therapy they think they received.

Homeopathy:  Law of similar, like cures like.  Homeopathic remedies can help people fight infectious diseases, reverse cancer and diabetes, improve brain function, and many other things. In a homeopathic remedy, an extract from a particular element such as a flower, a plant, or even a poison like arsenic, is mixed with water, and pounded hundreds of times.  One drop from this mixture is then added to water and the pounding continues.  The mixture is thus diluted, and the more dilute, the more potent the remedy.  Even though the water may not contain a single molecule of the original element that was used,  the water holds the vibration or the memory of the original element.