
Chakras are electrical energy centers which are created by the endocrine glands and the nerve centers in the body. The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit language meaning a revolving wheel or vortex of energy. These spiraling vortexes of life energy consist of two electrical currents. The ida and pingala energies rise up through each leg and crisscross each other up through the body. Where these currents cross, the seven major Chakras are found. This energy flows from each Chakra, through the body and circles back along the electrical pathways of the acupuncture meridians.

On the physical level each Chakra is connected to: a nerve center, one of the seven senses, and one of the seven endocrine glands. The seven colors and the seven musical notes also vibrate with the Chakras. The lower Chakras correspond to the physical elements. The three higher Chakras correspond to the non-physical elements.

The Chakras are where we allow the Universe to get our energy. This energy return is our gift to the Great Spirit. Chakra energy exits the body from both the front and the back, rotating in a clockwise direction. They are capable of being reversed. When an exit becomes an entrance, a problem will arise as this energy is absorbed back into the nervous system.

This etheric light body of energy is much like an electronic grid map surrounding the physical body. Its function is to receive and then transmit this energy and information directly into various energy centers throughout the body. Which in turn activates flow through the meridians to stimulate every organ and structure in the body. This is why any physical dis-ease we experience will manifest in our auric field first.

Chakras reflect our consciousness. Vitalizing these energy centers will bring about a more radiant well-being, heightened mental awareness and an unfolding awakening to the Universe.