Assessing your constitutional type


  • For each category, put a check in the box that most represents you. You may have characteristics of all three choices. Make a choice, and decide on the box that is the closest to the way you have been the most consistently throughout your life, especially your earlier years.
  • Remember back to your earliest childhood years, and compare yourself to other children at that age. For example, were you in the chubbiest 1/3, the skinniest 1/3, or the middle 1/3, of, say, 3 year olds? Ask your parents.
  • Ask the advice of a friend or spouse, especially for negative characteristics, which can be difficult to self-assess.
  • Make only 1 check for each item.
  • Do not split answers.
  • Put a check for each item.
  • Do not overrate yourself as pitta. Since pitta is in the middle column, many people check the pitta column as a compromise.
  • Add the checks in each column.
FrameLarge frame Medium frame Thin frame 
 Stout, Thick Moderately developed Poorly developed 
 Taller than average Average height Exceptionally tall or exceptionally short 
 Muscles not visible Muscles well defined Muscles thin & ropy 
Body weightHeavy, obese Moderate Low 
 Bones covered by flesh Bones moderately visible Prominent bones 
HeadLarge Moderate size Small 
 Steady Moderately steady Unsteady 
HairThick Fine Scanty 
 Very oily Oily Dry 
 Full Early balding Kinky 
 Wavy Soft Coarse 
 Dark or Light Yellow, red, Early gray Brown, Black 
EyesBig Medium size Small 
 Wide Medium width Thin 
 Prominent Penetrating gaze Unsteady, Active 
 Blue Green, gray Brown, black 
 White sclera Yellow or red sclera Gray sclera 
 Oily Moist Dry 
ForeheadLarge Folds, lines Small 
EyebrowsThick Fine Small 
 Bushy Moderate thickness Thin, irregular 
EyelashesLarge Moderate size Small 
 Oily Fine Dry 
 Thick Thin Firm 
NoseThick Medium width Small 
 Firm Soft Crooked 
 Oily Moderately oily Dry 
LipsThick Moderate thickness Thin 
 Large Moderate size Small 
 Oily Moderately oily Dry 
 Firm Red Dark 
 Smooth Soft Unsteady, quivering 
TeethLarge Moderate size Protruded 
 Sturdy Soft Brittle or cracked 
 White Yellow Gray 
 Full Even Spaces 
GumsThick Pink Thin 
 Pale Bleeding Receding 
 Soft and wet Soft and mushy Crooked 
 Oily, slimy Moderately oily Dry 
SpeechSlow Cutting Chaotic 
 Melodious Incisive Continuous 
 Definite Argumentative Quick 
 Reticent Convincing Talkative 
VoiceDeep High pitch Weak 
 Pleasant Sharp Hoarse 
 Clear tone Strained Variable 
ShouldersBroad, thick Moderate size Flat, small 
 Oily Moderately oily Dry 
ChestBroad, well developed Moderate Narrow, poorly developed 
ArmsLarge, thick, developed, full Moderate Small, thin 
HandsLarge, thick Moderate thickness Small 
 Oily Moderately Oily Dry, rough, cracked 
 Cool Warm Cold 
 Wide Moderate width Narrow 
 Pale Pink or yellow Shake, Prominent veins & knuckles 
CalvesRound Soft Hard 
 Full Loose Small 
FeetLarge Moderate Small 
 Thick Soft Thin 
 Full Pink Dry, rough, cracked 
NailsLarge, thick Moderate Small, thin 
 Smooth, oily Soft Dry, rough 
 White Pink Brittle, fragile 
SkinThick Medium thickness Thin 
 Very oily Slightly oily Moist, Soft Dry, Rough 
 Cool Warm Cool 
 Skin “tags”, cysts Moles, Freckles, Acne, Pink Cracks 
 Veins obscured Veins moderately visible Veins visible 
ComplexionPale Fair Dull 
 White (or light, washed-out) Red (ruddy, flushed) or yellow Brown, black, gray 
JointsThick, move smoothly Medium, Soft, Loose Thin, Crackling, Unstable 
EliminationSlow, heavy, regular Diarrhea Constipation, pain 
FecesOily Oily Dry 
 Thick, solid Loose, soft Hard 
 Mucus Burning Gas 
 Large size Medium size Small 
 Large quantity Medium quantity Scanty 
UrineWhite Yellow or red Gray 
 Cloudy Burning, stinging Difficult 
 Cool Warm Cold 
 Profuse Moderate Scanty, concentrated 
Sweat, Body odorModerate, cold, pleasant Profuse, hot, strong Little 
ActivityLethargic Moderate, Mid-length Short bursts 
 Stately Purposeful, Goal setting Active, Talkative, Nervous 
AppetiteSlow, Steady Excessive, Strong Variable, Erratic, Low 
ThirstSlight Excessive Variable 
SleepHeavy, Deep, Long, Excessive, Difficulty waking Short and sound Insomnia, Light 
MindCalm, Slow, Steady Aggressive, Perceptive Restless, Curious, Short attention 
Personality StrengthLoyalty Leadership Creativity 
 Calm Productivity Artistry 
 Contentment Determination Visionary 
Personality WeaknessGreed Jealousy Anxiety 
 Attachment Irritability Insecurity 
 Self-centered Aggression Fear 
Memory Slow to Memorize, Good retention Moderate, clear Generally poor Short term good, Long term poor 
DreamsWater, Romance, Few Dreams Angry, Passion, Color, Fire, Conflict Active, Flying, Fear, Involved, Nightmares 
FaithSteady Determined Changeable 
 Loyal Fanatic Unsteady 
 Socially conservative Leader Rebel 
HabitsSlow, steady, dull, water, sailing, cosmetics, business Critical, intense, Sports, Politics, hunting Indecisive, Quick, Changeable, Moving, Traveling, Stories, Dance 
Spending HabitsSlow to spend, saves Moderate Quick, impulsive 
Strength, ExertionStamina, inertia, slow to start Moderate, heat sensitive Low, poor, start & stop quickly 
Sexual NatureDesire low, constant Desire moderate Desire strong 
 Energy good, stamina Passionate, dominating Energy low, erratic, deviant, kinky 
 High fertility Moderate fertility Low fertility 
Sensitivity (fear, dislike)Cold, damp Heat, sun, fire Cold, wind, dryness 
Disease TendencyMucus, congestion, water Inflammation, Infection, Heat, Fever Pain Nerve diseases 
Disease ResistanceStrong immunity Medium, subject to infections Poor, weak immunity 
Medication ReactionSlow Medium Quick 
 Requires high dose Requires moderate dose Low dose 
 Few side effects Aspirin sensitivity Many side effects, nerve reactions 
PulseSlow, deep, steady (swan) Moderate, bounding (frog) Feeble, irregular, rapid (snake) 
 Total Total Total